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Transact to transform

As increasing speed of change and customer demand require new business models and capabilities, M&A offers a unique and powerful lever to execute the strategic agenda, accelerate transformation, drive excellence and deliver exceptional value.


Technology Levers in M&A

In many deals, technology is still regarded as the problem child or even disregarded with no tech due diligence performed early on. Yet, according to a recent study by Accenture, 80% of deals that outperformed sector averages saw dealmakers place significant emphasis on technology and with the C-Suite (including CIO) aligned in a holistic M&A vision to drive value and transformation through the deal.
Considering technology aspects early on means better preparation, staying within budget and meeting timelines while enabling change and new business opportunities.   

Image by Alexander Grey

Portfolio Value Creation

Building value proactively and as quickly as possible is imperative to accelerating returns across a Private Equity portfolio.

With cost of capital for public and private companies increasing, PE houses are shifting their value creation playbooks from leverage and multiple expansion to focus on operational value creation levers which will become even greater determinants of success or failure for individual deals and funds.

Deeper operational insights, technology and transformational change delivery capabilities are needed to accelerate those value drivers.

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ESG Deal Levers

The energy transition, electrification, era of new mobility, the circular economy, sustainable farming, and health care equity are creating enormous opportunities for firms to be proactive and part of the change and value those market dynamics and changes.

While M&A professionals are still learning how to navigate the new ESG landscape and all its uncertainties, it’ll be imperative to consider ESG as an integral part of the M&A journey – how ESG capabilities open up new pathways to value, understand the broader strategic, commercial and financial risks and its $$ impact.


© 2023 by A Baleta

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By Alexandra Baleta, PhD.

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